Let us help you tell your story
Are you reusing materials for creative purposes?

If so, we'd like to feature your work in a documentary film!

What it's all about. We wish to educate and inspire viewers to reuse by featuring exemplary reusers who reuse materials in creative ways.

What kind of art is acceptable? We welcome any form of art, of which, is not limited to the following: fine art, sculpture, music, crafts, visual art, architecture, industrial design, fashion, culinary arts, photography, performing arts.

Who we'd love to interview. Pacific Northwest creative individuals or groups, art curators, art directors, waste/recycling/reuse experts, anyone with potential leads, investors.

When is this all happening?
We're currently seeking interviewees through October, 2009.

Please complete the following form to let us know of your interest and to be considered for an interview. We look forward to showcasing your creative work and educating the world about reuse.

 * = Required Fields
Your Role/Title:
Please describe your project(s) and how it incorporates reused materials:
Where are you located?
How did you hear of us?



Creative Turbine © 2007-2009 All Rights Reserved.